.. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Scripture Burrito Documentation =============================== .. image:: ../logo/burrito_logo.png After several years of development and testing, we are pleased to announce the availability of **Scripture Burrito 1.0.0** specification! We recommend that developers of Scripture and Scripture-related applications test and adopt this specification for interchanging data with other systems. Out of the box Scripture Burrito is designed to support the following types of data: - :ref:`scripture_text_flavor` - :ref:`scripture_print_flavor` (beta) - :ref:`scripture_audio_flavor` (beta) - :ref:`scripture_sign_language_flavor` (beta) - :ref:`scripture_braille_flavor` (beta) - :ref:`scriptural_text_stories_flavor` (beta) As interoperability is our primary goal, we are happy to accept proposals for new flavors based on common interchange scenarios. We have provided instructions and examples for :ref:`extending_scripture_burrito` by testing and implementing new flavors (using ``x-`` flavors). When multiple implementations can be demonstrated, we will consider adding them as official flavors in new schema releases. If you learn best by example, see the `minimal flavor examples `_. This work has been a multi-year collaboration between several organizations, including `American Bible Society `_, `Clear.Bible `_, `Eldarion `_, `Bridge Connectivity Solutions `_, `SIL `_, `unfoldingWord `_, `United Bible Societies `_, and the work has been sponsored by `illumiNations `_. Future Development ================== See future development `milestones here `_. The Scripture Burrito :ref:`committee` invites comments on all aspects of the schema and documentation. Please use `Github Issues `_ or `Github Discussions `_ to provide feedback. Documentation ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 introduction/index schema_docs/index flavors/index examples/index glossary